The 37th Asian Finance Association
Annual Conference

June 26-28, 2025 (Thu-Sat), NCCU, Taiwan
  1. Please submit full papers.
  2. Please include ALL authors' information for each submitted paper in the Conference Maker system.
  3. Papers must be submitted in PDF format with file size no larger than 5 MB.
  4. Submitted papers should not have been accepted (or conditionally accepted) for publication at a journal.
  5. Submitted papers should not have been accepted for presentation at a previous AsianFA conference. Papers that have recently been presented or scheduled at other major conferences are allowed.
Submission Quick Guide 

* The authors of the accepted papers will be notified through e-mail.

For those who need special travel arrangements, please proceed with early submission. All others can remain with regular submission.

Stage1: Early Submission by January 15th, 2025. Decision by: Feb 28, 2025

Stage2: Regular Submission by February 15th, 2025. Decision by: April 15, 2025.